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About Our Church

Church History

In 1878, German immigrant farmers from Hamburg, MN decided to go west about 35 miles to the open prairie land. They built their social community (Moltke Township) upon the foundation of their faith community.


The first known service of any kind was held on May 20, 1878 at a member's home with an attendance of 20 people.

The core of the current church building was completed in 1890.


The congregation has continued to thrive and serve the surrounding area ever since!

Sharing the Faith 

St. Peter's has always placed a premium on caring for and nurturing our children. For over 100 years, St. Peter's operated a Lutheran school.
Though the school closed in 2019, children's and youth ministry has continued to be a top priority for our church. The same year that the school closed, the congregation called its first Director of Christian Education (DCE) to work alongside the Pastor in order to continue St. Peter's investment into the next generations. 

What We Believe

As Lutheran Christians, we believe that the canonical books of the Old and New Testament are God's own Word to us.

We believe that three historic creeds

(Apostles', Nicene, and Athanasian) are faithful testimonies to the truth of God's Word.


And we believe that the Lutheran Confessions (contained in the Book of Concord) are a true exposition of God's Word.

We are a member congregation of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

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